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Free SEO keyword research tools

Keyword phrases are critical for the success of your website. These are the search terms that people use when looking for products and services and the basis for your search marketing activities.

For professionals and those wanting serious insights, a paid tool is probably what you need, but there are also free tools that can get you started on discovering your keywords.

  1. Google Analytics

    Google Analytics has a whole lot of information that is extremely valuable.

    For keywords, look under 'Traffic Sources', then look for 'keywords'. Make sure you are showing enough rows to get all results.

    This will tell you what keywords people are using to get to your site now.


    This only show you what keywords people are using to get to your site now, not words people are using that are NOT getting to your site.

    So you'll need something else....

  2. Google Webmaster tools

    You should verify your site so you can use Webmaster tools for a range of useful information about how Google sees your site.

    Under 'Your site on the web' click on 'Search queries' you can find out information the search queries that returned pages from your site.

  3. Google Insights for search

    This tool shows you what's happening to keywords volumes over time. If the keywords are on the decline, it means that these keywords might not be worth pursuing.

  4. Google keyword research tool (external)

    With this tool, you can enter a list of 'seed' words to start. If you have an Adwords account you can get a bigger set of keyword suggestions, if not it will give you a list of 100. Allows you to specify a country which is particularly useful as some tools focus on US data only.

  5. Wordtracker

    Wordtracker free tool – gives you keyword suggestions from a starter word, along with the number of searches for each - although this is in the US so some adjustment for local conditions may be required.

  6. Check your competition

    WebSEO Analytics provides a tool called Keyword Analyser. Enter your website URL, so you can check the keywords on your competitors site. You can analyze the content of a page to extract the keywords and shows you their relevance based on the content of the page.

Any others you'd recommend? Let us know!

Tagged in: google keywords seo


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Guest January 22, 2015
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