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9 pointers for LinkedIn lead generation

Posted by on in Social Media

There are a whole heap of different ways to generate leads from linkedIn, here's some tips to get you started.

1. Respond to Questions

Access 'Answers' from the 'More' menu. As the name suggests, you can post advice in response to people's questions. This can establish you as an expert in your field.

Consider who and where your audience is however – no point providing expertise if your audience isn't in the same place

2. Add applications such as SlideShare presentations

Another way of showcasing your expertise by providing information that is of value to your audience.

Consider presentations that include top tips, info-graphics or other insights.

3. Join lots of groups

Not just one or two but as many as you can find that are relevant.

You'll soon find the ones that work better for you in terms of engagement, and can leave the ones that aren't useful.

Start discussions to engage people to interact.

4. Search for companies you want to contact directly.

You can identify individuals and their roles so you can research them before you contact them

5. Set up a Company page for your business.

Another place to profile how you can help people.  I'm  not sure company pages are necessary for small businesses as it's just another 'thing' to maintain, but worthwhile for professional services businesses who's employees are active on linkedin, and that can gather a bit of a following.

6. Use Linkedin Ads

These can drive people to a landing page on your website that captures their contact details in return for download a white paper (for example).

7. LinkedIn mobile.

Download the app to your smart phone. When you are out networking, you can transfer contact details with another smartphone user with the app via bluetooth.

What Not to Do

Remember this is a business network so keep photo's and comments professional

  1. Be cautious about accepting link requests from people you don't know. Your network is part of your professional reputation. Many people wont' connect with people they haven't met in person – we'd recommend a high level of caution. As a rule of thumb if you wouldn't do business with them, have a business lunch with or recommend them to a trusted client, don't connect with them.
  2. Following from above, don't go on a linking binge trying to connect with lots of people, especially if you don't know them – you risk the recipients rejecting your invitation which can get you banned.
  3. Don't bombard people with links to your products, events, invitations etc. There is a lot competing for people's attention these days and they don't want repeated entreaties from you insisting that you couldn't possibly pass up this amazing offer that you haven't even bothered to see if they need.
  4. Leave it lying abandoned. We know people who's profile says they work for a company that they left several years ago! You might as well close the account!

Got any more tips to share?

Tagged in: linkedIn social media


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Guest January 22, 2015
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