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A big list of social media articles

Posted by on in Social Media

There is a HUGE amount of material out there about how to get the most out of social media for your business.  Some of them are useful, some not so much.

So we've put together a list that we think provide pretty good tips for the small-medium businesses who are probably tackling this on their own (ie not outsourcing to an agency). 


Facebook apps that will improve engagement - nice overview of how a custom Facebook app can be used to make your Facebook page more interesting and engaging.

And to go with it, HubSpot's How to Create Custom Tabs for Facebook Business Pages which tells you how to create a custom tab for free.

Marketing Stats about Facebook for business - in case you're skeptical, more useful stuff from HubSpot - some great stats to throw around such as "Autoposting on Facebook decreases likes and comments by 70%"

5 Ways to Increase Your Facebook Fan Engagement - simple techniques to get those 'fans' more involved.

5 Ways to Create Even More Facebook Engagement - and if that wasn't enough, some more tips and getting more engagement.  These ones a bit more hands-on, great practical tips.


7 ways to drive more blog traffic using LinkedIn - Social Media Examiner says don't neglect one of the best ways to grow traffic to your business blog - LinkedIn

A detailed anatomy of the new LinkedIn company page design - in early September, LinkedIn company pages got a makeover.

9 pointers for Linkedin lead generation one of our very own articles, it includes a couple of what NOT to do's!

22 Ways to get leads from LinkedIn - plenty of ideas here, although not described in detail


Turn your twitter account into a SEO magnet - One of the side-benefits to social media is search visibility. This article provides nice clear instructions on how to SEO your Twitter account.

10 reasons why I don't retweet your content - another list but this is a good one, especially the key criteria piece

Best practices to a traffic driving Twitter account - having a website is easy, driving traffic is hard and just 'having' a Twitter account is not enough

General, all-about-social-media-posts

13 tools to simplify your social media marketing - we use several of these tools and they are a real time (and sanity) saver!

8 steps to a successful social media strategy - another take on explaining the key steps to developing a social media strategy

What most small businesses are doing wrong on social media- succinct and to the point

Why you're doing B2B social media all wrong – similar tips as those for B2C , but if your audience is businesses, it's even more important to have quality content that adds value

Where making money and social media meet - this article has a list of useful social media management tools/platforms and service providers

6 ways to tell if you are social media-ready Are you ready to step up? This is a great little checklist to see if you are ready to engage....

Why you can't sell with social media and 3 things to do instead The return on social media can look dismal, but you can drive sales significantly if you measure indirect impact instead of sales

Eight common blogging mistakes - gotta love someone who talks about their own blogging mistakes and calls them 'a disaster'.

8 steps for social media marketing success- with a handy social media marketing starter plan and an actual use of the phrase "rockin sockin".

Tips for integrating social media on your website - goes a bit beyond the suggestion of putting share buttons on your site, with good reminders about analytics and appropriate use of buttons

Social media reality check: 10 things to keep top of mind  - and finally - some good reminders that will keep your feet on the ground.


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Guest January 22, 2015
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