This post gives you a bunch of ideas on how to get those all important visitors to your site, using offline and online tactics...

Online traffic generators

  1. Pay per Click advertising – eg Google AdWords. One of the simplest and most effective ways
  2. High organic search engine rankings – achieved through search engine optimisation strategies, this is more likely to be a long-term strategy
  3. Banner advertising on high traffic sites such as news sites
  4. Affiliate marketing (pay others to market your products)
  5. Video marketing - Google shows video in the search results, just make sure you have your website address on your videos!
  6. Blogging - a blog on your own site makes it easy to add content regularly
  7. e-zine article submissions. There are many article sites that you can submit content to free to drive traffic back to your website
  8. Smart phone applications
  9. Email newsletters - it's easier to get business from people you already have a relationship with, than trying to find and attract new prospects
  10. Social media – use status updates to link back to your site
  11. Podcasts (don't forget to mention your site and why they should go there!)
  12. Listings in online business directories
  13. Guest blogging, opinion pieces or interviews for news media
  14. Email signatures - make sure your website address is there!
  15. Links from partners, suppliers and client sites
  16. Participate in online forums and communities
  17. Provide a useful tool that saves time, money or effort - other people will link to valuable content
  18. Simple games, quizzes etc (i.e. entertain)
  19. Create lists – top 10's, useful links, extensive resource lists

Offline traffic generators

  1. Include website address on t-shirts, pens and other promotional items
  2. Include a website address on business cards and stationary
  3. Vehicle sign-age
  4. Radio advertising
  5. TV advertising
  6. Support a business, cause or event
  7. Catalogues, brochures
  8. Press releases
  9. Direct marketing
  10. Competitions
  11. Seminars and guest speaking

Above all create fantastic content that is interesting, useful or outrageously entertaining.