You've kept to your new years resolution about sending out regular newsletters to your contact list. But now inspiration isn't striking like it used to. We've all been there!

Here's some tips to get you all fired up again and take some of the pain out of the writing process.

Topics you can write about in advance

How To's

A little over-used, but the good old fashioned how-to guide can provide a lot of value to your readers. These can be in the form of check lists, top x tips and step lists.

Focus on topics that you get asked a lot about that aren't going to go out of date, and you can do them in advance.

Inspiration from your industry

Use Google Alerts to keep an easy track of news articles.

News from your company

Dig out your data

Personalise it

Depending on your business, you can make recommendations based on previous purchasing or what is relevant to a particular customer group. Amazon send out recommendations for books on certain topics based on what has been bought in the past.

Link to your blog posts

This is content re-use. Don't assume that everyone on your email list visits your blog or even knows you have one. If there was a post from a year ago that has been your most popular ever, extend it's life by linking to it in your newsletter.

But in all cases make it:

Happy writing!